Paper types for submission
All submitted papers/abstracts should report previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Papers submitted to the conference should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The following types of papers can be submitted to the conference:
A. Original Papers
Original Full-Length Papers are the papers, in which authors report their own research findings obtained through experimental or descriptive procedures. The following template should be used for preparing your full-length manuscript:
DOWNLOAD Original (Research) Paper Template
B. Review Papers
Review papers provide a reasoned survey and examination of a particular subject of research. They should include a critical assessment of the works cited, explanations of conflicts in the literature, and analysis of the field. Review papers contain four sections:
(i) Abstract
(ii) Introduction
(iii) Topics (with headings and subheadings)
(iv) Conclusions and Outlook
The following template should be used for preparing your review paper:
DOWNLOAD Review Paper Template
C. Abstract and D. Poster Abstract
An abstract is a brief summary of the research and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the research purpose. An academic abstract contains:
Background and Aim
The following template should be used for preparing your review paper:
DOWNLOAD Abstract Template
E. Other types
Other types of papers including case reports, clinical trials, and etc. can be submitted by authors.
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of significance and academic excellence.
Other types
Other types of papers including case report, clinical trial, and etc. can be submitted by authors.
Full-Length papers for our conferences should be prepared as the maximum of 5 printed pages in length. After 5 pages, an extra fee will be charged (5 Euro per additional page).